In 1957, Evang. Ella Howard heard God's call for a "Deborah" in South Los Angeles to lead his people out of the bondage of sin and lead them to the Land of Plenty.  By 1959, the Lord moved on Evang. Howard to open a church in his name, where the pure Gospel would be preached and Satan would be condemned through the preaching of the Gospel.  She started the church in her home located on 118th St and Bandera.  Elder Leon Wade and Elder Treadis W. Tyler were within this call of God.  She preached the gospel  of Jesus Christ without complaining, refusing to take down even if it cost her life, as it was in the days of the Apostles.  Her motto was "COME CLEAN OR STAY AWAY DIRTY".

Pastor Howard preached, fasted and prayed with a few people moving from her home to 108th and Compton Ave.  Later, she then moved to 82nd and Central Avenue until the Lord blessed the church with the property at 8110 S. San Pedro St.  She was a woman of God and well known in the South Central area of Los Angeles.  Approximately 2 years later, with much prayer and work, the church was able to purchase additional property located at 8106 S. San Pedro St.  In 1970, the property at 8219, 8229 S. San Pedro St. and 227 E. 82nd Pl.

In 1973, Pastor Howard took ill and before the Lord called her home, the Lord instructed her to make it known that her Assistant Pastor, Bishop Leon Wade succeed her as Pastor and Bishop Tyler his assistant; and the "Vision Continues".