Welcome to the Light!
On behalf of our Sr. Pastor, Elder Glenn W. Perkins, Elect Lady Phyllis Perkins and the entire church family, we welcome you to our revised website. We are so very pleased you decided to stop by and visit with us. We pray that as you explore our sight, you will obtain something from the Lord that will assist you in finding a more fulfilling life through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Mission:
Teaching them to observe all things natural and spiritual with Kingdom Building purpose, as our wonderful savior, the Lord Jesus Christ navigates his body to perfection.
Our goal and purpose as we fulfill the mission of God:
To strengthen families by teaching them to observe all things, and to promote wholeness and stability to their lives as we, the body of Christ and this community are navigated to perfection.
In a Post-Covid era God has afforded us the ability to access technology so that the the body will stay connected to each other as a family under any circumstance.
Sunday Service, Prayer and Wednesday Night Bible Class can also be viewed and accessed on ZOOM: ID 326-687-4072 | Password 9719308
Weekly Services are as follows:
Sunday Morning - 9:30am Sunday School & 11:30am Sunday Morning Worship in the sanctuary and via Zoom
The intercessory Zoom prayer line will be Monday Night @ 7:00pm
Wednesday Night Zoom Bible Class @ 7:00pm in the sanctuary and via Zoom.
The Food Bank will continue as scheduled, utilizing guidelines given by the food bank coordinators, unless otherwise announced.
We have provided, for your convenience, a way to continue your church support of Tithes and Offerings. We have three ways of giving, 1) you can mail checks to the church at 8229 S. San Pedro St. Los Angeles, CA 90003, 2) use “Zelle” through your online banking (send to Revelation@rcafla.com) or 3) download the Givelify app from your app store and look up Revelation. You can also utilize the Givelify giving on our website
Psalms 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. Let us take this time as a body to draw closer to God. Remember God has promised that he will never leave us nor forsake us. Stay under the Blood.
Pastor and Lady “P”